Posts in BestYet
Glimpses of the Cross

The month of Easter, we like to celebrate the cross and the glorious Resurrection.  This year, we looked at some of the unusual perspectives gained from the event of the crucifixion.  If you ask two people about an event, concert, trip, or other note-worthy occurrence in both of their lives, you will get two different sets of details.  Sure the basic timeline will match and the big bullet points of events will be in common, but the finer details and less significant details will be unique to their perspective. It really was no different at the cross.  There were several groups of people and individuals who saw the cross in a way we most likely never have.  Let me give you some of those people.

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Best Fishing Trip Ever .... And the best was yet to come!

Think about Peter's day in Luke 5.  It actually started the night before as he got ready to go to work.  Overnight fishing trips were the normal routine for this commercial fisherman.  Two boats and at least four men would set out from home as their families were heading to bed.  This had been their pattern for years. Cold weather, rain storms, hot and humid nights, none of these were unusual for these fishermen.  After securing their catches in the morning as the sun rose there would still be much work. 

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